How to Keep Tools, Machines & Parts From Rusting in Machine Shop & Tips for Removing Rust | CNCLATHING


Metal tooling and parts of machinery will be damaged if covered with rust. While in a machine shop, a number of equipment, tools, machined components are made from steels and other metals, to maintain machines tools properly and increase the service life of machinists tools used for CNC machining, let’s learn about how to keep tools from rusting and how to remove rust from metals.

How Rust is Formed and Why It is Bad?

Rust is an iron oxide formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen in the presence of water or air moisture. Generally, rusting will start to form immediately when exposed steel or metals contact with both air and water, but visible after a period of time. Rust weakens the metal, causes brittleness and damage parts of equipment, results in the cost of repair and replacement of parts increasing, reduces the lifespan of machine tool and products, and endangers the safety of users. Therefore, keep the tools in the machine shop from rusting and remove rust on CNC machines is significant.

How to Keep Tools, Machines & Parts from Rusting in Machine Shop

– Keep the machine shop is dry. Based on the formation principle of rust, to prevent rusting from forming on machines and tools, it’s critical to control the inside conditions, such as the temperature, humidity, and more. Keep the air as dry as possible. You can apply a dehumidifier or a fan to reduce humidity. 

– Prevent the metal from contacting with air. Insulate the object requires protection with air slow down temperature swings. When the machine or tool is not in working, keep them oiled and put an old bed sheet or something that can breathe over it to keep the dust off it. The cover has to breathe but keeping dirt and air movement to a minimum.

– Use some rust preventive products. Buy some rust preventive products and apply them to your new machines and tools may be the most convenient method, but it should not affect the work. There are a few products on the market to prevent rust, this is an option more affordable than installing ventilation or de-humidifying system. If you don’t lack funds, apply both can get a better effect. For example, the WD-40 is a common product for dealing with rust, it plays a role in penetrating oil and at displacing water. Wipe and clean the machine bed and tools before spraying wax or other products.

How to Remove Rust from Tools? - Best Way for Removing Rust from Tools

In some cases, rust will still be formed due to improper maintenance. How do you remove rust from the metal CNC parts, tools, or machine tools? Here are some common tips using different products and solutions.

1. One of the simplest solutions to remove rust from tools and hardware is to use a rust converter which prevents further corrosion by covering rust, apply it with a paint brush or a roller and acts as a primer for paint. But it may be not that effective for removing rust completely.

2. The second one is the chemical solution. This method may take a longer time and be messy, but it’s powerful. It’s best for small items.

3. Use abrasive tools like an electric sander, screwdriver, or steel wool to scrape off rust finish with fine grain sandpaper to remove subtle marks left from scraping.

4.  Other commercial products, useful DIY solutions can be tried. You can dissolve rust by soaking the metal parts or tools in white vinegar for a few hours before scrubbing it off.

5. You can also mix baking soda and water into a thick paste and spread it over the metal, set it for a few hours and scrub it off.

6. Sprinkle salt on the metal part followed by some lemon or lime juice and let the mixture for several hours before scrubbing it off. 


If the metal part is too large to be immersed or you want to remove rust from a machine, use a cotton cloth to apply the solution on it evenly, especially the rusty area. Remember to clean and wipe the object after treating it to keep it dry finally. 
