CNC Basics for Beginners: What You Need to Get Started in CNC Machining | CNCLATHING


How to start with CNC is a commonly asked question for beginners in the industry, you can search some professional websites, forums, and companies. Here we’ll talk about the CNC basics for beginners covering FAQs like what machine you need to buy, what bits should you get, the definition and working of CNC system, and more.

Beginners Guide to CNC Machining - CNC Basics for Beginners

What is CNC and CNC System?

CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control, the mill or machine used for CNC machining services can be told what to do by a computer instead of diddling around with a bunch of handwheels. CNC system consists of three main components: machine, computer (controller) and software. The controller consists of both the computer and a program. Using the little interface, you can tell the machine to do something, like mill out a pocket or face off a part or drill simple patterns.

The Components and Working of CNC Machine

The machine such as a mill, has a rotating spindle that can run different quantities of cutting tools including fly cutters, drills, various end mills and more. The spindle can move up and down along the z-axis, it also has a table that moves side to side along the x-axis, and front to back is the y-axis. The movement of these three axes are driven by little stepper motors which can be controlled in tiny and precise increments. By combining X, Y and Z-axis motions at the same time extremely, complex parts can be produced with tolerances in the thousands of an inch range. There are diverse additional devices can be applied to the machine, such as add-on to lubricate the machine and cool the parts, you can also control the tool holders without tightening and loosening the drawbar which holds the tools in the spindle by adding a pneumatic gizmo, the enclosures can be added to ensure coolant won’t splatter.

What Software Should I Use?

CAD/CAM software is separate from the controller, you should have a separate computer where you do your CAD or CAM work. There are many CAD, CAM and integrated CAD-CAM programs like Inventor, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, etc., Fusion 360 is a popular cloud-based, integrated CAD, CAM, and CAE program sold by Autodesk, it allows you to design widgets on your computer and tell your CNC machine exactly how to go about making whatever you designed. When introducing the CAD part, most people can get the basic idea of what it’s like, you can draw the little 3-dimensional picture out of simple shapes and kind of assemble it into a more complicated part.  Here is the recommended best free CAD software 2020 for CNC.


For the CAM part, once you’ve come up with a design for something, you have to figure out exactly which tools you’ll use, what materials it is made from, the precise dimensions in geometry, the software is smart about how it does things, the way it works, you specify the tool and then tell the machine to crap out this hole or make here flat, it will figure out a way to do it. Once you defined a given task and a tool, the software will get how to accomplish that narrow task, defines where the tool will go, and how fast, the result is the tool path. The CAM software uses a process to generate G-code, which is a simple programming language used by most CNC machines.  Check out the g-codes and m-codes of CNC machine for understanding the instruction.

What CNC Machine Should I Buy?

There are numerous options on the market, you should stick most of your shop type. When you buy your machine, you should consider lots of factors. For example, the size or how big of a machine should you get? The recommendation is as big as you can fit in your shop, take into consideration how much room you have to adapt the larger machine to your shop. In addition, the shape of a machine will also have an impact on the process.

What Need to Buy Before the Machine Gets There

Before buying a CNC milling machine, what tool bit to choose is important. When choosing the end mills, a starter bit set is an easy and fast solution to get you started. You have lots of affordable options for the brand. What comes in the starter kit? It may be going to be your quarter inch flat end mill, as spins, it’s taking all your stuff and forcing it to the top of your cut. When you get started, you can use this to cut pockets and more features, but they can’t cut square corners as they are round, which you should notice in design. Other options like an eighth-inch end mill, end mill with different shank sizes. If you are going to buy a machine with a DEWALT router, these sizes are allowed to use. For machining small parts and detailed type cuts, very tiny bits should be selected. Most of the starter kits will come with the V bits, including a 90-degree bit and 60-degree bit. There are also conical type bits, these are usually going to be used for 3D carvings.
